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Now that ATF has re-launched eForms, there are some things you will need to do in order to utilize it. If you HAVE NOT created an account, please follow the instructions below.
Already have an eForms account? You will need to update it. Click here to complete the necessary update - ATF eForms Process - Existing Users
1.) You will need to create an eForms account by going to ATF eForms Home Page and clicking the green REGISTER button at the bottom of the page, or clicking REGISTER FOR EFORMS
2.) Complete the User Registration
This screen will require information which will aide in uniquely identifying you (the user) such as name, email address, phone number, and address. It will also require you to provide information which will allow ATF to create a “secured account” such as the selections of a secret question, and answer, password, and a 4-digit PIN. Once you have completed the first name, and last name fields and move to the next field, a unique Username/ID will be created at the top of the screen, we suggest that you jot this number down for your future reference. Once you have completed the “User Registration” and clicked on the “Register” button at the bottom of the screen, you will be taken back to the eForms landing page and will receive an email that will confirm your registration and provide your user ID. You can now use that user Id and the password that they created during the registration process to log into eForms, on the login screen by clicking on the login button that is indicated below.
3.) Be sure to read through the disclaimer that pops up. If you understand and agree with the message, click the ACCEPT & LOG IN button at the bottom of the message to continue.
4.) You will enter your user name/ID and password, and click SIGN IN